Wide Wide World: John Ford from This is Your Life
导演:Dick Schneider,Van Fox
地区:美国 / 13分钟
又名: / Wide Wide World
猫眼ID:657228 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Wide Wide World: John Ford from This is Your Life剧情介绍
本片由Dick Schneider,Van Fox导演约翰·韦恩,约翰·福特,戴夫·加罗威主演,于未知美国上映!
This all too brief 13 minutes of footage condenses all of the material involving Ford from two NBC TV shows: the first a grab from THis is your Life featuring Maureen O`Hara, and the remainder shows Food from a Wide Wide World episode in which he appears on location for a shoot - Rio Bravo no less- in which he`s joined by Wayne, Ward Bond, and a superb wrangler who shows off what Ford calls "hard" and "soft" falls from the horse. This last is overseen by a gent from the Humane Association, and Ford is proudly able to say that he`s never harmed a horse in his life. Wayne (or is it Bond) makes a quip about the damage he`s done to actors over the years. Ford is in great form here. Again courtesy of the inestimable Tag.
丨Wide Wide World: John Ford from This is Your Life电影热评
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