Golden Goal!
导演:Mirwan Suwarso
主演:Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto,John Dykes,Nova Eliza
地区:印尼 / 98分钟
又名:The Ball Is Round / The Ball Is Round.Golden Goal!
猫眼ID:651351 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨Golden Goal!剧情介绍
本片由Mirwan Suwarso导演Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto,John Dykes,Nova Eliza主演,于未知印尼上映!
Jakarta 1 November, 2007. The Ball is Round is a soccer comedy for all ages that is set in BOLANESIA, a fictional land with events loosely based on the corrupt Indonesian league. The story tells the tale of two rivaling soccer teams. The expensively assembled BLACK BRIGADES, owned by Dam As "Abramovich" Lubis, a candidate in the coming governor election, and SAVAGE SHEEP FC, a privately owned club that relies on youth development. When the owner of the SAVAGE SHEEP FC died from a mid-game heart attack, the government sees it as the perfect opportunity to acquire Savage Sheep FC, allowing for a larger fan base and supporters for Dam As` political campaign. However, the attempted merger is thwarted when the estranged daughter of the Savage Sheep FC owner, decides to take over the team and continue her father`s legacy.
丨Golden Goal!电影热评
丨Golden Goal!电影新评
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