The Silent Code
主演:Wolfang,凯恩里士满,Blanche Mehaffey
地区:美国 / 60分钟
猫眼ID:642056 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨The Silent Code剧情介绍
本片由斯图尔特·佩顿导演Wolfang,凯恩里士满,Blanche Mehaffey主演,于未知美国上映!
Nothwest Mounted Police Corporal Jerry Hale is assigned to take over the district of a fellow-officer, and is puzzled as he had worked this district before and had been mysteriously transferred, disrupting his romance with Helen Brent, the niece of Peter Barkley, the Factor at the trading post. An accountant of the company Berkley works for threatens to expose him when his account is found $10,000 short. Barkley pleads for more time to raise the money. His opportunity arises when he learns that Helen's father and his brother-in-law, Nathan Brent, has struck it rich and is on his way to visit Helen. Barkley instructs his henchmen Carney and Breen to lie in wait and rob Brent of his gold. Brent has a premonition of trouble and buries his gold, making a map of the location. Barkley is disturbed by the arrival of Corporal Hale and goes to warn his men, and finds them already engaged in the attack on Brent.
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