主演:Andréa Avancini,Thaís de Campos,Rejane Goulart
地区:巴西 / 45分钟
猫眼ID:634565 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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本片由导演Andréa Avancini,Thaís de Campos,Rejane Goulart主演,于未知巴西上映!
A viagem (The voyage) was aired twice on brazilian tv. First on 1975/76, on Tupi Network (that no longer exists) and was starred by Eva Wilma, Toni Ramos, Altair Lima, Ana Rosa and cast. The second time it was aired was on 1994, produced by Globo Network and was starred by Cristiane Torloni as Dinah, Antonio Fagundes, Guilherme Fontes, Nair Bello, Laura Cardoso and cast. It was written by Ivani Ribeiro and is based on Francisco Cândido Xavier's psychic book called "...E a vida continua" ("...And life goes on"), inspired by a spirit called André Luiz. The story is unusual just because it takes place in two different levels of life: the earthly level and, after the death of the three main characters of the story, the spiritual level, that takes place in a heavenly city called Nosso Lar (Our Home). This was one of the most beautiful stories ever portrayed in a soap-opera since it brought us the conception that life is eternal, that more than human beings we are immortal spirits, that we have many chances to improve our spirits by reincarnation and that death is not the end, it is just a brief voyage from where we will come back to a brand new opportunity. I wish I have transmitted the main idea of the story. If you want some further details about Spiritsm, reincarnation and so on, I suggest Allan Kardeck's books. They changed my way to view life and I'm quite sure they will change your life too.
- 那个不为人知的故事
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