Kehtaa Hai Dil Baar Baar
主演:Parzan Dastur,Amneek Sandhu,Perry Patel
地区:美国,印度 / 119分钟
猫眼ID:630353 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨Kehtaa Hai Dil Baar Baar剧情介绍
本片由拉胡尔·多拉基亚导演Parzan Dastur,Amneek Sandhu,Perry Patel主演,于未知美国,印度上映!
Ranshod Rai Patel is an egotistical and arrogant self-made Gujarati man who arrived from India and settled in the New York area years ago. He started his career cleaning latrines and dirty clothes, then moved on to working in a restaurant, saving enough money to own one, and then finally owned twelve. He became an extremely successful real-estate magnate, à la Donald Trump and was so big-headed that started calling himself THE Roger Patel. He got married to a woman named Kamla and they were soon proud parents of two lovely daughters, Namrata and Ritu. When the girls are grown, the overprotective Roger arranges a marriage for Namrata with a property owner, a professional Patel man named Prem. Ritu, a doctor, informs that she has met her soul mate also, Sunder Kapoor, who is part-Punjabi and part-Madrasi and is definitely not a Patel, nor a property owner, and not even a professional.
丨Kehtaa Hai Dil Baar Baar电影热评
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