La casa de las sombras
主演:Iris Morenza,Arnold Meyle,Ruth Adams
地区:美国,阿根廷 / 99分钟
又名: / Det onde hus,Skuggornas hus,Blutspur ins Totenreich,La maison des ombres,Az árnyékok háza,A Casa das Sombras,Casa umbrelor,House of Shadows
猫眼ID:617282 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨La casa de las sombras剧情介绍
本片由里卡多·伍利彻导演Iris Morenza,Arnold Meyle,Ruth Adams主演,于未知美国,阿根廷上映!
In the 30's, the orphan Audrey Christiansen has just arrived to be the company of the wealthy Mrs. Howard,living with her and a couple of other employees in a mansion. While walking on the sidewalk with the little dog Timmy, it escapes from Audrey and enters in a dark house close to hers. Looking for the dog, she witnesses the murder of a woman called Catherine Webster on the second floor of the house, with her body rolling the staircase, but she is unable to see the killer. She comes back home, and together with Mrs. Howard, call the police. The detective informs that the crime described by Audrey happened twenty-three years ago and the killer has not been found. Audrey decides to investigate the murder by herself. She receives some visions from the past while investigating the truth behind the death of Catherine.
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