A Girl at Bay
导演:Thomas R. Mills
主演:Denton Vane,科琳·格里菲斯,Walter Miller
地区:美国 / 50分钟
猫眼ID:613276 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨A Girl at Bay剧情介绍
本片由Thomas R. Mills导演Denton Vane,科琳·格里菲斯,Walter Miller主演,于未知美国上映!
After Mary Allen drops a blood-stained knife, Judge Robert Craigin's dead body lies next to her. Mary secures a secretarial position with Judge Bruce Craigin, the dead man's younger brother. Professor Galt, a criminal psychologist, and Detective Hooker believe Mary to have committed the crime. Craigin and Mary fall in love and are married. Galt persuades Craigin to let Mary furnish their new home because a clue to the solving of the murder is the artistic furnishings of the room in which the murder victim was found. The similarity between the decor of the house and the crime room convinces Craigin that Mary murdered his brother. Thomas Gray confesses to the crime, however. He had been in the room waiting to avenge his wife's wrongs on Craigin. When Craigin attacked Mary, she lifted her paper-knife and fainted, and Gray killed Craigin, leaving the murder weapon in Mary's hand. Mary and Bruce find happiness together.
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