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地区:中国大陆 / 75分钟



猫眼ID:607353 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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一個九歲男孩,以天籟之聲為通行證,像河流不受束縛地流經大地一般, 隨心所行地踩邊了西藏的每一寸肌膚,用歌聲征服和引誘著路人、旅人。 但是,因為 “身份”和“戶口”問題,他沒有任何進入所謂“文明之地”的可能性 ,他的自由並非無邊無際。 雖然靈魂不羈、嗓音純凈,男孩卻從未有過烏托邦式的幻想,只因為 他一直用稚嫩的雙腳踏在粗礪的大地上,難免傷痕纍纍、體無完膚。在歌 聲做成的帷幕後,他有著千瘡百孔的童年...... 那又如何?命運的歸命運,自己的歸自己。曾經,他被一只過路的雲 雀生在這裏,現在,他長成了一只歌唱著的雲雀。 I WAS BORN HERE BY A PASSING LARK Benba,a 9-year-old boy , traverses Tibet as freely as a river flows over land. His beautiful singing voice enthralls passersby and other travellers,but the boy himself steadfastly refuses to be taken to “civilization”. Although the boy possesses an uninhibited soul and a pure voice, he is devoid of any utopian ideals, for behind the curtain of his song lies a heavily scarred childhood. Benba’s mother has put a stick in to the earth, but the stick grow into a tree. Benba just strong like the tree. Benba’s mother's spirit was abnormal, she had born seven children, only three children survived. Mother and father have no Hukou(qualified residence) And marriage certificate .Then they apart. Benba’s younger sister went with mother and Benba followed his father. Benba’s elder sister had been a prostitute in Lhasa. Now, Benba has a stepmother and a step elder brother. Brother is in prison because he killed others in the fight. So ,Benba became the family breadwinner. Tourists always give Benba some food, Benba chooses the best and bring these food to his step brother in prison every 15th. Sometime, tourists give Benba some money, he must put the money on to his Father and stepmother. They will beat him when he can't make lots of money. Benba lives like a slave . So, he doubt his father is not his own father. No father will treat his own son like his father treat him. Benba thinks that he was born by a lark. Benba don't want live here, it's not his place. But, he has no photo ID, if the authority examines the ID strictly, he can't go to anywhere. Benba always dreams that When he has the Hukou(qualified residence), he will go to a place no one knows and never come back. Benba felt hopeless. He want to go to the Holy Lake to explore his future. The Holy Lake is 5300 height, which lies at the foot of Zelv mountain. It is said that people can get instruct from the scenery of the lake and they can know their lucks in the future. Before looking and deciding the reincarnation of the Banchan Lama, the Buddhists of Tashihungpo Monastery will go to the Holy Lake to find hint. It had been said that the Holy Lake was very easy to come and people needn't experience a lot of troubles to be there. Master padmasambhava thought that people's evil could not eliminated until they experience the troubles. So he shipped the water away with head bone, which made the road to the lake very difficult and made the Lake more mysterious. At last, Benba got to the Holy Lake. He waited and waited, But there is nothing. He cried: Buddha, please show me if you exist. There still has no miracle. Benba left in frustration, he said: It is not holy lake or evil lake, it's a junk lake, so many junk hadas here. I will never come here again. I should never buy the hada for it, I should give it SHIT.




