The Cheer Ambassadors
导演:Luke Cassady-Dorion
主演:Premjit Amnuckmanee,Anuphan Boondok,Suebsai Boonveerabut
地区:泰国 / 100分钟
猫眼ID:599926 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨The Cheer Ambassadors剧情介绍
本片由Luke Cassady-Dorion导演Premjit Amnuckmanee,Anuphan Boondok,Suebsai Boonveerabut主演,于未知泰国上映!
The Cheer Ambassadors chronicles the Thai National Cheerleading Team's inspiring story of a coach and his team as they travel from the city streets and rice fields in Thailand to the World Championship in Orlando, Florida. The Cheer Ambassadors is a feature-length documentary about an incredible team of athletes in Thailand and their journey: from one man's dream to the day when they competed in the world cheerleading championships and caused 10,000 spectators to jump up and down screaming "THAILAND! THAILAND! THAILAND!" The movie focuses on the coach and key team members; it describes their relationships, their drive, and their sacrifices. It follows them on their journey from late night training based on watching YouTube performances of American teams, to competing against some of those same teams on the world stage. This film provides a unique perspective on the power of a dream and what it takes for a team to be champions. The Cheer Ambassadors is a universal story of passion, ...
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