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Happy in the Valley

Happy in the Valley


导演:Lee Madsen




地区:美国 / 91分钟


又名: / Curve of Earth

猫眼ID:596031 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Happy in the Valley剧情介绍

本片由Lee Madsen导演肖恩·西珀斯,佐伊·霍尔,威廉·弗西斯主演,于未知美国上映!

Written and directed by Lee Madsen, HAPPY IN THE VALLEY, is an off-beat, dark comedy set deep in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley that follows Stewart Fox (William Forsythe) a 50-something photographer, whose days as a premiere chronicler of rock-n-roll greats is long over. He's manages to pay the bills and then some as the self-described "world's greatest erotic photographer," a moniker that rings more hollow every time it comes out of his mouth. Which it does, often. Awash in drugs and alcohol Stewart's lost all zest for life. He's watched over by his beleaguered wife, Donna (Ursula Brooks), who's started to wonder why she stays. Even his models, jaded from years of working in porn, are beginning to tire of him. To help Stewart, Donna hires young art school student Wade Ward (Shaun Sipos) to photograph him for his autobiography "The World's Greatest Erotic Photographer, Ever!" Desperately broke, Wade takes the job but finds his dependence on Stewart for income corruptive.

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