23 Kilometres
导演:Noura Kevorkian
主演:Barkev Kevorkian,Noura Kevorkian,Serena Kevorkian
地区:阿联酋,加拿大,黎巴嫩 / 82分钟
猫眼ID:595891 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨23 Kilometres预告片 精彩视频
丨23 Kilometres剧情介绍
本片由Noura Kevorkian导演Barkev Kevorkian,Noura Kevorkian,Serena Kevorkian主演,于未知阿联酋,加拿大,黎巴嫩上映!
On the Damascus Road in Lebanon's beautiful Bekka Valley, an Armenian man with late-stage Parkinson's takes one last journey. This impressionistic documentary is a journey into the mind and life of a man with a crippling disease. In addition to the tremors and shakes, Barkev suffers from the lesser known 'monster' of Parkinson's, the relentless hallucinations that swing him back and forth between time and space. A machine maker and an amateur cosmologist, Barkev can no longer speak. Yet through his journals, his machines, and powerful imagery with music, the film travels both physically and metaphorically into the past and the future of both the man and his country Lebanon, a country debilitated by sectarian division not unlike Barkev's Parkinson's diseased body, left a shell of its former self by war, dwelling on the past, unable to imagine its own future.
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