Magický hlas rebelky
主演:Aneta Langerová,玛尔塔·库碧索娃,Fero Fenic
地区:捷克 / 85分钟
海外:Czech Republic
又名: / The Magic Voice of a Rebel
猫眼ID:589687 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨Magický hlas rebelky剧情介绍
本片由奥尔加·索梅罗娃导演Aneta Langerová,玛尔塔·库碧索娃,Fero Fenic主演,于未知捷克上映!
"The Magic Voice Of A Rebel" portrays the story of the Czech singer Marta Kubisová, who without never intending it, became a symbol of freedom for all generations in the newly free Czhecoslovakia in 1989. It is Marta herself who tells us her life story and how the Soviet invasion in Czechoslvakia in 1968 changed her life. Because of her deep involvement in the Prague Spring movement, she went from being the most popular singer in the country to being banned and suffering a sudden removal from the public scene by the new authorities imposed from Moscow. She refused to escape to exile and together with other banned intelectuals and artists became a disident instead. Blacklisted and persecuted by the secret police, she also suffered the betrayal of beloved people who were collaborating with the regime.
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