C'era una volta la legge
主演:维托里奥·梅佐焦尔诺,马西莫·吉尼,Cameron Steel
地区:意大利 / 88分钟
又名: / Speed Cross
猫眼ID:558694 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨C'era una volta la legge剧情介绍
本片由斯泰尔维奥·马西导演维托里奥·梅佐焦尔诺,马西莫·吉尼,Cameron Steel主演,于未知意大利上映!
This film has a lot of almost Gladitorial bike riding with competing riders trying to force each other off the road combined with a political corruption subplot, and may have been inspired by ROLLERBALL with James Caan. Such concerns are irrelevant -- The movie has a familiarity to it that is decidedly Italian in it's proprietary nature. You don't have to see a lot of motocross racing movies to enjoy the show, and as offbeat, obscure macho man entertainments go this one is pretty good, even if it is all pretty silly after all is said & done. "Relaxingly stupid", with a fine disco era soundtrack, excellent color photography, a good buddy role for Fabio's sidekick, and another gem of an appearance by my hero, the late Romano Puppo, playing a bare-fisted motocross thug named "Kurt Schmidbauer" who works for Mr. Big. His job? Beating people up: Can you say "Posthumous Lifetime Achievement Oscar?" I tell you, give me two hours of this any day and you can keep your Tom Cruise, pointless remakes, juvenile superhero thrillers and movies about whacko candy magnates who creepily resemble Michael Jackson. Hollywood may be out of it's slump but their product is still in decline, and the honesty of these dumb little Italian films is refreshingly invigorating.
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