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Bonsai People: The Vision of Muhammad Yunus

Bonsai People: The Vision of Muhammad Yunus


导演:Holly Mosher

主演:穆罕默德·于努斯,Muhammad Yunus



地区:美国,孟加拉 / 90分钟


又名: / A bonszájnép - Muhámmád Junusz víziója

猫眼ID:520945 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Bonsai People: The Vision of Muhammad Yunus剧情介绍

本片由Holly Mosher导演穆罕默德·于努斯,Muhammad Yunus主演,于未知美国,孟加拉上映!

Bonsai -Celebrating the Vision of Muhammad Yunus from micro-credit to social business. What if you could harness the power of the free market to solve the problems of poverty, hunger, and inequality? To some, it sounds impossible. But Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus is doing exactly that. Yunus did his part to fight poverty by micro-lending $27 to 42 women, an effort which has now grown to 8 million women and 8 billion dollars. But he didn't stop there; whenever he sees a problem he starts a social business - showing the world that complex problems sometimes do have simple answers. It's not about handouts, it's about a hand up.

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