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Comfortably Numb

Comfortably Numb


导演:Leo Regan

主演:Sammi Branson,汉斯·麦瑟逊,Rebecca Palmer



地区:英国 / 77分钟



猫眼ID:519717 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Comfortably Numb剧情介绍

本片由Leo Regan导演Sammi Branson,汉斯·麦瑟逊,Rebecca Palmer主演,于未知英国上映!

Comfortably Numb shows us Jake's struggle to overcome his alcoholism in a rehab center, Promis. After early difficulties, he starts to make progress when he forms a relationship with a fellow patient, Emma. But they are forbidden to see each other after Jake is confronted about his "sex and love" addiction in a group counselling session. This creates more problems, as Jake doesn't understand that his dependence on the relationship with Emma is actually a barrier to his rehabilitation. A night of excess sparked by drugs makes things get out of hand. Jake decides to leave the center and fight his addiction on his own terms. But almost immediately he goes into a pub. It seems as though Jake will fall back into being an alcoholic, but as the film ends, we see that he has returned to Promis, and is determined to make a full recovery this time.

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