Natale a Rio
主演:马西莫·吉尼,Paulão Duplex,Rosana Oliveira
地区:意大利 / 114分钟
又名: / Natale a Rio de Janeiro
猫眼ID:518643 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨Natale a Rio剧情介绍
本片由内里·帕伦蒂导演马西莫·吉尼,Paulão Duplex,Rosana Oliveira主演,于未知意大利上映!
Fabio Speranza (Fabio de Luigi) has always been in love with his colleague Linda Vita (Michelle Hunziker) but she has never seen in four years despite attempts to Fabio. The latter contact but due to a mistake she believes is her boyfriend (Paolo Conticini), thus creating a series of misunderstandings. Paolo Berni (Christian De Sica) and Mario Patani (Massimo Ghini), are two divorced, and they have organized a luxurious vacation in Rio de Janeiro for the Christmas holidays. They ignore, however, that their sons Piero (Ludovico Fremont) and Marco (Emanuele Propizio) have booked a trip for the same low-cost destination. For a problem of homonymy between fathers and sons, the two holidays are exchanged, however, so while their sons enjoy in luxurious villas, fathers end up into a comic wandering. Paolo and Mario understand that there was a mistake and try by every means to regain possession of their holiday
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