Easiest Profession
主演:Mado France,费南代尔,玛丽亚·毛班
地区:法国 / 92分钟
又名: / Kiusausten kaupunki,Ogni giorno è vacanza,Het schandaal van Clochemerle,O Mandrião de Clochemerle,Den glade luffaren,O alitis,Der Faulpelz,Le chômeur de Clochemerle
猫眼ID:511625 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Easiest Profession剧情介绍
本片由让·布瓦耶导演Mado France,费南代尔,玛丽亚·毛班主演,于未知法国上映!
Baptiste Lachaud, known affectionately as Tistin, is the only man in the village of Clochemerle not to have a job. With the help of the local mayor, he gets himself registered as unemployed, so that not only can he carry on doing nothing but he will also be paid for doing so. Understandably, the villagers do not take kindly to this development, and are even more outraged when Tistin uses his easily earned money to get drunk in the company of Zozotte, a woman of bad reputation. To redeem himself, Tistin begins to undertake odd jobs for his neighbours, particularly, Jeannette, a young widow who soon develops a fondness for him. But then some money goes missing from the church and Tistin is the obvious culprit, since he has just deposited a large sum of money into a new bank account...
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