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Je suis Annemarie Schwarzenbach

Je suis Annemarie Schwarzenbach



主演:Mégane Ferrat,Valentin Jean,Pauline Leprince-Ringuet



地区:法国 / 85分钟


又名: / My Name is Annemarie Schwarzenbach

猫眼ID:509351 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Je suis Annemarie Schwarzenbach剧情介绍

本片由导演Mégane Ferrat,Valentin Jean,Pauline Leprince-Ringuet主演,于未知法国上映!

A film casting in Paris. Young actresses (and actors) try to incarnate the Swiss writer and traveler Annemarie Schwarzenbach (1908-1942). In order to get the role of this emblematic and sulfurous figure of the late 30's, child of the 'lost generation', antifascist and gay, this actors play scenes of her life, try to assume poses of hers from photos, and talk about their own life through the prism of her fascinating and ambiguous personality. A portrait arises, singular and multiple, public biography and intimate memory, drawn up by the woman of the past as well as by the young generation of 2014. Slowly, a reconstituted and collective figure emerges and encounters an own fictitious life.

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