Bogdan Stimoff
导演:Georg Jacoby
主演:Georg Reimers,Lotte Medelsky,Alfred Valters
地区:奥地利,德国 / 0分钟
又名: / Aus Bulgariens großer Zeit
猫眼ID:507400 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Bogdan Stimoff剧情介绍
本片由Georg Jacoby导演Georg Reimers,Lotte Medelsky,Alfred Valters主演,于未知奥地利,德国上映!
Bulgaria at the beginning of the 20 century. A village in Macedonia.Bogdan Stimov is suspected of a murder which he has not committed. On his wife Anna`s urgent request he resolves to flee the country. America. Known as Stimens, Bogdan has risen to the position of director of a munitions factory. The First Wold War breaks out. The Italian Eteli incites his compatriots against the Austrian and German workers at the factory. Stimov takes their side and is dismissed together with his friends Max and Friedrich. Eteli`s sister Anna is in love with Max. With her help all four obtain the necessary paper and board a Swedish ship. Eteli gets in touch with the captain of an Italian mail-boat which overtakes and detains the fugitives. The captives manage to escape in a boat. They are rescued by a German submarine. Max, Anna and Friedrich go to Germany. In Bukgaria Stimov`s estate has been seized by the invaders. One of them wants to marry Stimov`s daughter Maritsa against her will.
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