Hooker, Harlot, Whore, Stories of Prostitution
主演:Felicitas,Sania,Georg Böhm
地区:德国 / 88分钟
又名: / Das älteste Gewerbe: Prostituierte und Sexarbeit
猫眼ID:503806 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Hooker, Harlot, Whore, Stories of Prostitution剧情介绍
本片由卡特佳·埃森导演Felicitas,Sania,Georg Böhm主演,于未知德国上映!
If in Hamburg 'Herbertstraße', the Parisian 'Bois de Boulogne' or in Amsterdam's 'Oude Kerk', people who want to buy sex know where to find it. Prostitution flourishes in Europe. What are the women like who offer Sex for money? What do they sell: their body, a service or even love? Has anything changed through the centuries regarding their reputation, their social standing or has sex work even become an ordinary job for some of them? Katja Esson talked to women in Germany, France, Greece, Italy and Great Britain and shows that their working conditions and personal attitudes vary as much as their customer's taste. The docudrama analyzes the relation between power, money and morals and takes a close look at the female position in European history. Through riveting re-enactments, famous European prostitutes in different centuries come alive and add to the context in which women still today have the 'oldest profession'.
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