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Lucky Terror

Lucky Terror


导演:Alan James

主演:费伊·麦肯齐,Art Mix,米尔伯恩·莫兰特



地区:美国 / 61分钟


又名: / To metalleio tou diavolou

猫眼ID:473462 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Lucky Terror剧情介绍

本片由Alan James导演费伊·麦肯齐,Art Mix,米尔伯恩·莫兰特主演,于未知美国上映!

Lucky Carson is riding through the snow-covered mountains when he sees Bat Moulton and his gang chasing Jim Thornton. Since it`s none of his business Lucky hides behind a boulder to avoid being involved. (Unlike most B-western heroes, those played by Hoot Gibson often not only avoided trouble that wasn`t theirs, they often avoided trouble when it was directed at them.) But Thornton has doubled back and pulls a gun on Lucky with the intent of stealing Lucky`s untired horse. But the frightened horse rears,dashes over a cliff and takes Thornton with him. Lucky goes through Thornton`s saddle bags, finds gold in them and realizes why Moulton`s men were chasing the late departed Thornton. Hiding the bags at the foot of a mountain, Lucky (on Thornton`s now-rested horse) rides on and comes across a Medicine Show ran by Doc Haliday. He hooks on as a sharpshooter and meets entertainer Ann Thornton, the dead man`s niece.

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