Zaman, l'homme des roseaux
主演:Sami Kaftan,Shada Salim,Saadiya Al-Zaydi
地区:法国,伊拉克 / 77分钟
又名: / Zaman: The Man from the Reeds
猫眼ID:465073 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Zaman, l'homme des roseaux剧情介绍
本片由阿米尔·阿勒万导演Sami Kaftan,Shada Salim,Saadiya Al-Zaydi主演,于未知法国,伊拉克上映!
The documentarian Amer Alwan makes his fiction film debut with Zaman, L'Homme des Roseaux (Zaman, The Man From the Reeds), the first movie in 15 years to be filmed entirely in Iraq. Sami Kaftan stars as Zaman, an older gentleman who tends lovingly to his ill wife Najma (Shadha Salim) and shares his home with a boy (Hussein Imad) whose parents were killed during the Gulf War. A traveling doctor informs Zaman that other people than his wife are also suffering from the same unusual symptoms. Zaman sets off on a journey to locate medicines that may cure his wife. Once he locates the goods, however, he still must overcome the corruption and bureaucracy of modern Iraq. Screened at the 2003 San Sebastian Film Festival, the film was photographed on digital video, as Iraq had outlawed the importation of film stock.
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