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Kaitangata Twitch

Kaitangata Twitch


导演:Yvonne Mackay

主演:Te Waimarie Kessell,乔治·埃纳雷,Cejay Pickett



地区:新西兰 / 23分钟



猫眼ID:458366 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Kaitangata Twitch剧情介绍

本片由Yvonne Mackay导演Te Waimarie Kessell,乔治·埃纳雷,Cejay Pickett主演,于未知新西兰上映!

It's fifty years since Shelly Gentry disappeared and 50 is one of those numbers that seem to mean something. People celebrate fifty. In pre-European New Zealand, the tiny Island of Kaitangata was the scene of awful happenings. After that, the Island seemed to have a life of its own. It dreamt terrible dreams. The local tribe knew it was best to leave it alone. And so the Island slept again. But now Kaitangata is twitching. It's moving. It's waking up! The last time it moved was over fifty years ago. It twitched and a girl disappeared without a trace, apparently swallowed up by the Island. Now it's moving again. Dreaming again. Only 13 year old Meredith can stop it. If she can discover what it wants before it's too late. Before it claims another victim.

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