Ghost Town Riders
地区:美国 / 54分钟
又名: / Vingança Tentadora
猫眼ID:456450 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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丨Ghost Town Riders剧情介绍
The second of three Universal versions of this plot following 1932's "The Fourth Horseman" with Tom Mix and followed by 1950's "Gold Strike", a musical-short version with Tex Williams. Majestic Pictures "borrowed" the story for 1933's "Trouble Busters" with Jack Hoxie, and Colony Pictures did the same for 1939's "Death Rides the Range" with Ken Maynard. This time out, Bob Martin and his pal, Tom "Cherokee" Walton, moving across the back country with a herd of horses find an abandoned mail stage and the bullet-ridden bodies of the guards. Continuing into the deserted mining town of Stillwell, Bob finds the place occupied by Gomer and his henchmen, Tex, Slim, Fred, Bill and Jose. The remaining resident, Judge Stillwell, is apparently a lunatic who shuffles around town talking to citizens that aren't there and about events and celebrations in a town that has none. Gomer had his henchmen rob the stage to steal a tax notice intended for Easterner Molly Taylor, the legal owner of the town.
丨Ghost Town Riders电影热评
丨Ghost Town Riders电影新评
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