Before the Wall: Body & Being
导演:Molly Martin,Molly K. Martin,Rick New,Torben Ulrich
主演:Zachary New,拉尔斯-乌尔里希,Torben Ulrich
地区:美国 / 60分钟
猫眼ID:454376 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Before the Wall: Body & Being剧情介绍
本片由Molly Martin,Molly K. Martin,Rick New,Torben Ulrich导演Zachary New,拉尔斯-乌尔里希,Torben Ulrich主演,于未知美国上映!
An excursion into the fields of awareness, breath and gravity, seen as a sequel to Gil de Kermadec`s "The Ball and The Wall" as well as building on Jørgen Leth`s "Motion Picture." In "Before The Wall," the ball itself is mainly removed, being more image or inspiration, with the focus resting on the body and its intimate movement and balancing. The wall, in this case, serves as the interfacing of athletic and everyday living, between the ready and the already. Computer technology has made it possible to make the sound of one ball struck the soundscape of the entire film (sounds played out by Lars Ulrich).
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