Around the World with Orson Welles: Basque Countries
主演:奥逊·威尔斯,Lael Wertenbaker
地区:英国 / 26分钟
猫眼ID:450897 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Around the World with Orson Welles: Basque Countries剧情介绍
本片由奥逊·威尔斯导演奥逊·威尔斯,Lael Wertenbaker主演,于未知英国上映!
While it seems at first that Welles starts his famous series succumbing to the lures of Basque nationalism, this episode - as well as the entire series and virtually all travel art - is not so much concerned with the Basque country in itself as with using it as a pretext to reflect upon the virtues and vices of the observer's homeland. After a brief exposition of the usual arguments about the "legitimacy" of Basque nationalism (the old language-nation nexus, and berets). Welles then meets up with amerccan writer and journalist Leo Tucker and her son, who casually humilliates the American teaching system and gives the director the opportunity to digress on the evils of technology in the USA. Welles concludes this segment by stating that Basques are not entirely civilized and, after an all-too casual discussion about the mysteries of the Basque language and exposition of the fantastic theory that Basques are the oldest inhabitants of Europe, he claims that Basques have no real reason to be proud of their pasts, since they don't have anything tangible to boast of. There is also a rather sinuous dialogue with a Basque man who worked in Colorado. Although the main subject - America - continues to dominate, the tone changes dramatically from the respectful conversation he had with Tucker to an overtly paternalistic mode towards the interviewee. The episode concludes with footage of the Pentecostal celebrations, during which France and Spain open their borders, and with a popular Basque phrase.
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