Mr. Id
导演:尤里·鲁特曼,John Stecenko
主演:Carey Peters,尤里·鲁特曼,Kiersten DeBrower
地区:美国 / 95分钟
又名: / Mr, Id
猫眼ID:433036 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
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- 6-7分 0%
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Mr. Id剧情介绍
本片由尤里·鲁特曼,John Stecenko导演Carey Peters,尤里·鲁特曼,Kiersten DeBrower主演,于未知美国上映!
'Mr. Id' tells the story of a failed and misogynistic writer, who moonlights as a part-time hitman, by the name of Jack Maggot, who has fallen into a self-destructive abyss through a slew of bad relationships, failed novels, and a dreaded past. One night, he meets Lenore, who assures him that if he finds a writer by the name of "Mr. Id", and kills him, Jack will have the life he has always wanted: the sterile purity and comfort of a dream come true. With the help of his street-walking "administrative assistant", Heather, Jack has to revisit three important women in his life, Andrea Walker, Mia Crumb, Margaret Bolamano, to see if they could somehow forgive him as well as steer him towards finding "Mr. Id". During the course of his 'investigation', he realizes that his own self-centered demise that he has created will only make his efforts at self-transformation nearly impossible to attain, no matter how much he wants to 'quit the racket and write full-time'.
丨Mr. Id电影热评
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