地区:英国 / 60分钟
又名:Tiger - Spy in the Jungle / Die geheime Welt der Tiger
猫眼ID:43102 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 21.3%
- 8-9分 52.4%
- 6-7分 14.3%
- 4-5分 8.3%
- 1-3分 3.6%
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这是大卫解说的又一部野生动物纪录片,运用大象携带的摄影机拍下了印度丛林中四个成长中的小虎学习捕猎和打斗技巧等镜头,历时两年,摄影机一直跟踪它们拍摄,从小虎一直到长大成年。 Programme 1 Sunday 30 March 8pm. Four 10-day-old tiger cubs, two females and two males, are living in the Indian jungle. This is their mother's first litter and the cubs insist on tumbling out of the den, only to be carried delicately back to safety in her massive jaws. As they grow, their diet changes from their mother's milk to meat. At 14 weeks they can eat over a kilo of meat a day between them - the equivalent of 20 large steaks. It's a good job that this tigress is such a skilled hunter and that spotted and sambar deer are so plentiful. Charger, their imposing father, keeps his distance but helps to protect his vulnerable offspring from rogue male tigers and leopards. Life seems sweet, until one day the cubs are left home alone and one of their greatest threats, an Indian leopard is near by. Programme 2 Sunday 6 April 8pm. The cubs are half grown and still pretty playful but it's time to learn the hunting and fighting skills they'll need as adults. Play fighting erupts between them - it looks nasty, but their claws are never drawn. The young tigers have huge appetites and their mother must hunt successfully most days to satisy them. When they're not eating, playing or fighting, the cubs sleep - and tigers love water, so a cooling water hole is perfect on a steaming day. The spy cameras show that this wallow is also a magnet for a whole array of other forest animals, including wild boar and sloth bears. The cubs are starting to behave as individuals and take personal hunting tuition from their mother. Then disaster strikes when both their parents are injured, and a rogue male tiger puts in an appearance. They still have a lot to learn. Programme 3 Sunday 13 April 8pm. The cubs are beginning to gain their independence. They must hone their hunting skills, and the two males must prepare to leave their mother and sisters and face the world on their own.
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