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Europa, East

Europa, East



主演:Ádám Tompa,Claudio Collovà,János Nádasdi



地区:加拿大,匈牙利 / 80分钟


又名: / Europa, East

猫眼ID:430304 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Europa, East剧情介绍

本片由安妮塔·多兰导演Ádám Tompa,Claudio Collovà,János Nádasdi主演,于未知加拿大,匈牙利上映!

After breaking up with a long distance lover, a woman named Three finds her own personal drama entangled with that of her country during and following the riotous anniversary of the1956 Revolution. While coping with her heartache by collecting random stories of the people she encounters, Three becomes a witness. Through her eyes and her skin we realize that no matter how hard the extremist right wing tries to create a whitewashed history that excludes minorities, they cannot escape the fact that the very lives, histories and cultures of these minorities make up an equal part of a Hungary's collective mythology. The film speaks up for those whose voices are continually silenced and inspires to emerge from the cowardly silence of passive bystanders.

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