Design with Nature
导演:Daston Kalili
地区:美国 / 101分钟
猫眼ID:427320 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Design with Nature剧情介绍
本片由Daston Kalili导演XX主演,于未知美国上映!
World renowned, visionary architect Nader Khalili teaches us the principles of designing Superadobe structures, from emergency shelters to entire Eco-villages and towns. Khalili shares the secrets of nature's timeless principles and timeless materials. Using symmetry, harmony and geometry he shows us how to interpret and apply these to earth architecture. We learn how to build an arch, dome and vault, and to expand this knowledge into the design and construction of a home or community resistant to fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake and man-made disasters. We learn practical and simple ways to design a home that works in harmony with all aspects of nature, such as what to look for when we arrive at our building site, and how to integrate our design with the wind, sun, shade, and the land itself. With 'Natural Design' we know how to create a nontoxic, sustainable, and environmentally sound home that works in harmony with the environment almost any where in the world.
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