Jawab Hum Denge
导演:Vijay Reddy
主演:Shabbir Kumar,Vikas Anand,阿斯拉尼
地区:印度 / 135分钟
猫眼ID:424204 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨Jawab Hum Denge剧情介绍
本片由Vijay Reddy导演Shabbir Kumar,Vikas Anand,阿斯拉尼主演,于未知印度上映!
Union Leader Vijay Saxena wants his employer, Dhanraj, to treat his employees as shareholders, and for this purpose he presents him a cheque of 10 lakh rupees being their contribution, which Dhanraj accepts. Then the company shows huge losses, as a result the employees are unhappy and are certain that Dhanraj has manipulated the accounts to show a loss. To make matters worse, an employee loses his leg, and is hospitalized, unable to be employed there anymore. Dhanraj promises a compensation of Rs.60,000/- but the worker only ends up getting Rs.10,000/-. When Vijay confronts Dhanraj, he is told that Mohan, another employee, may have been responsible for stealing the balance Rs.50,000/-. Vijay threatens to kill Mohan, and shortly thereafter Mohan's dead body is found with multiple stab wounds, also killed are his wife and child. Vijay is caught red-handed, arrested by Police Inspector Jaikishan Verma, and tried in court.
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