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Der Fall Lena Christ

Der Fall Lena Christ



主演:Luigi Malipiero,Paul Stieber-Walter,Alfred Cerny



地区:西德 / 90分钟


又名: / Das ungeschickte Leben und der romantische Tod der unehelich geborenen. von ihrer Mutter gepeinigten. zweimal verheirateten Serviererin. Klosterfrau und Schriftstellerin

猫眼ID:417106 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Der Fall Lena Christ剧情介绍

本片由汉斯·W·盖森德费尔导演Luigi Malipiero,Paul Stieber-Walter,Alfred Cerny主演,于未知西德上映!

In April 1920, the Bavarian writer Lena Christ put an end to her own life in the Munich Waldfriedhof. The film tells the story of the tragic life of this unhappy woman. "The troubled life and romantic death of the waitress, nun and writer who was illegitimate, mistreated by her own mother, and married twice" is the film's subtitle. It tells the story of Lena Christ's life based on her autobiographical novel "Memories of a Redundant Person" and the book written by her husband, Peter Benedix "The Life of Lena Christ".

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