导演:Harry Lynch
主演:Scott Tinker
地区:美国,卡塔尔,法国,冰岛,挪威,丹麦,印度,加拿大,西班牙 / 98分钟
猫眼ID:331371 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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本片由Harry Lynch导演Scott Tinker主演,于未知美国,卡塔尔,法国,冰岛,挪威,丹麦,印度,加拿大,西班牙上映!
Every energy resource — fossil, nuclear and renewable — is undergoing profound changes. And overall, we're gradually shifting from coal and oil to the energies of tomorrow. This sweeping transition is the subject of Switch. But rather than advocate for how it should happen, Switch travels the world to discover how it most likely will happen. Switch is also about a changing energy conversation. Today, it’s polarized and unproductive. Switch focuses on practical realities and encourages a balanced understanding. Finally, Switch is about changing the way we use energy, to realize the many economic and environmental benefits of efficiency. Switch has been seen by nearly 4 million viewers worldwide, in theaters, university auditoriums, classrooms, on DVD and the web. For 12 years, Dr. Scott Tinker has been the Director of the Bureau of Economic Geology, where he leads 200 scientists and staff. He is also a Professor at UT s Jackson School of Geology, the State Geologist of Texas, and a renowned energy expert, having given more than 500 lectures internationally to government, industry and academia. While at the Bureau, he founded the Advanced Energy Consortium and helped initiate the Gulf Coast Carbon Center and Center for Energy Economics. Dr. Tinker serves on several private, public, academic, and government energy boards and advisory councils. Before the Bureau, he was a research geologist for Marathon Oil. He received his PhD from the University of Colorado.
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