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Life Tracker

Life Tracker






地区:美国 / 109分钟



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丨Life Tracker预告片 精彩视频

丨Life Tracker剧情介绍


Dillon stumbles on a little known news story about a company called Life Tracker Limited, which claims it has discovered a way to predict biological events in a human's life by looking at their DNA. Everyone views the story as a modern day form of palm reading that will go nowhere, but Dillon keeps turning on his camera when he finds articles on the Internet or hears about it on the news. The story keeps getting bigger. People all over the world are paying tons of money to see if their DNA shows any trace of disease, or future children, or when they'll die. With little to no resources, Dillon is left to guerilla style street interviews and filming the reactions of his small group of friends. When Dillon, his best friend Scott, and Scott's girlfriend Bell all get their futures predicted their lives start to change... along with the world itself. Nothing is physically changed in any single person's day-to-day life, but the ideas that have been put in people's heads convince them to flip...

丨Life Tracker电影热评


丨Life Tracker电影新评


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