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Brawn of the North

Brawn of the North


导演:Laurence Trimble,简·默芬

主演:爱莲·列治,Lee Shumway,Joseph Barrell



地区:美国 / 80分钟


又名: / der Hund aus dem Norden ,Wölfe der Nacht ,Brawn

猫眼ID:262187 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼

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丨Brawn of the North剧情介绍

本片由Laurence Trimble,简·默芬导演爱莲·列治,Lee Shumway,Joseph Barrell主演,于未知美国上映!

Marion Wells travels to Alaska with her dog Brawn to visit her brother Lester and her fiance Howard Burton. Unfortunately, the two men get into a fight and Burton kills Lester. Brawn saves Marion by dragging her through a violent storm to the cabin of Peter Coe. Coe forces her to marry him but at the first opportunity Marion escapes him, but soon finds herself having to sell Brawn in order to support herself. Meanwhile, Peter--ashamed of what he did to Marion--finds Brawn being mistreated by his new owner, rescues the animal and sets out to return him to Marion. He eventually finds her, but things don't work out quite as well as they had both hoped.

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