My Lover the Killer
主演:莉蒂亚·兰奇,Bradley Field,Jim Sclavunos
地区:法国 / 59分钟
猫眼ID:1383394 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨My Lover the Killer剧情介绍
本片由马克·休尔塔多导演莉蒂亚·兰奇,Bradley Field,Jim Sclavunos主演,于未知法国上映!
My Lover the Killer is the former title of the album by Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado released in 2016. The music, first languorous then abrasive, accompanies the verbal flow of the transgressive poetess who comes back to an intimate and violently tragic episode of her own life: her love and death story with Johnny O’Kane. With her long-time collaborator, Lydia Lunch, face to face with the camera, transforms this naked scene full of troubled anger into a deep dark confession. Hurtado’s images are saturated, grainy, willingly experimental and clash with those of an archive of furious performances. Just like the one who seeks to avoid taking part in her own prophecy.
丨My Lover the Killer电影热评
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