A Child of the King
主演:迪恩·凯恩,Kathy Patterson,Suzanne R. Neff
地区:美国 / 89分钟
又名: / Дитя Кинга
猫眼ID:1332373 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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丨A Child of the King剧情介绍
本片由导演迪恩·凯恩,Kathy Patterson,Suzanne R. Neff主演,于未知美国上映!
In the bordering villages of the Amazon Rainforest; children, toddlers and teenagers from the jungle search trash cans for food, steal knives to protect themselves at night, and live in fear of being forced into the dark world of sex trafficking. For these desperately needy children, nothing was safe, nothing was free -- until they encountered the love of Jesus through the compassion of Dr. Wes King. "A Child of the King" is the story of an American physician who received a unique calling from God to protect the millions of orphaned and abandoned children dying in the jungles of South America. Kings' step of faith is a stunning example of how God miraculously uses the willing to transform the lives of thousands of forgotten children with His hope and healing. This is the remarkable story of actual lives transformed. You will meet the kids he helped and you will witness the triumphs and struggles of this incredible work. It is a story of immense faith, suffering and love. The children whose stories are revealed in this film will change your heart forever.
丨A Child of the King电影热评
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