Delacroix, d'orient et d'occident
导演:Arnaud Xainte
主演:弗兰斯·博耶,Jean-Charles Delaume,Xavier Jozelon
地区:法国 / 90分钟
又名: / Eugène Delacroix- When West meets East,Eugène Delacroix - Ein Maler im Farbenrausch,Delacroix, d'orient et d'occident,Eugène Delacroix, d'orient et d'occident
猫眼ID:1289516 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Delacroix, d'orient et d'occident剧情介绍
本片由Arnaud Xainte导演弗兰斯·博耶,Jean-Charles Delaume,Xavier Jozelon主演,于未知法国上映!
1st part: In February 1864, everyone who was anyone in Paris crowded the Drouot auction house for the sale of the contents of Eugène Delacroix's studio. Amongst the works sold were the seven sketch bookings that illustrated the artist's journey to Morocco in 1832 as part of a French diplomatic mission - 2nd part: Eugène Delacroix returned from his travels in Morocco with over 1,000 drawings that later inspired some of his most emblematic paintings. He continued to paint the Orient until the end of his life, until that very last canvas "Arabs Skirmishing in the Mountains" completed a few days before his death.
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