主演:María Barhoum
地区:德国 / 237分钟
又名:Unas preguntas / One or Two Questions
猫眼ID:1288828 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
- 6-7分 0%
- 4-5分 0%
- 1-3分 0%
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本片由克里斯蒂娜·康拉德导演María Barhoum主演,于未知德国上映!
What does peace mean to you? And justice? Following 12 years of military rule (1973–1985) and the accompanying silence, it couldn’t be taken for granted that people in Uruguay at the end of the 1980s would discuss such questions in such lively fashion in public. Two women take to public spaces across the country a U-matic camera and ask these questions of countless passers-by. The reason is a controversial amnesty law passed in 1986 that grants impunity for human rights violations and crimes committed by the police and the military under the dictatorship. Enthusiastically conducted conversations on the street are at the heart of this stirring film, which documents the mobilisation of civil society from collecting signatures for a referendum to the day of the actual vote. TV ads and campaign spots from the time supplement the smartly edited video footage, which has never been used previously. One can hear a plurality of opinions, experience a society in upheaval and recognise the importance of the public sphere as a stage for political debate. An example of democracy in action, of the kind that once again needs defending in many places in the world today.
- 毒液:最后一舞
8.8 /分 ---今天243家影院放映1892场 - 哈利·波特与凤凰社
8.7 /分 ---今天169家影院放映988场 - 那个不为人知的故事
暂无 /分 ---2024-11-09 本周六上映 - 鸳鸯楼·惊魂
暂无 /分 ---今天179家影院放映393场 - 焚城
9.2 /分 ---今天240家影院放映1457场 - 红色一号:冬日行动
暂无 /分 ---今天245家影院放映1737场 - 火影忍者剧场版:忍者之路
暂无 /分 ---2024-11-09 本周六上映 - 哈利·波特与火焰杯
8.7 /分 ---今天116家影院放映259场 - 乔妍的心事
8.3 /分 ---今天197家影院放映586场 - 最后的里程
暂无 /分 ---今天130家影院放映154场 - 这个杀手不太冷
9.7 /分 ---今天150家影院放映339场 - 志愿军:存亡之战
9.7 /分 ---今天190家影院放映481场