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“当全世界都在大兴土木的时候,也是预示灭亡的到来。” 2014 年,导演回到家乡山西太原。那时,正值太原城改浪潮如日中天,四处都是钢筋混凝土的声音,街道被 挖的坑坑洼洼,原本熟悉的那些建筑与记忆,从此灰飞烟灭。而就在这一个月,导演的姥姥、姥爷居住了几十 年的老房,也被拆迁。几十年的居所,也许一夜之间,就与你毫无关系。导演开始关注曾经居住的城市及其巨变, 这就是创作的初衷。 此作品融合投影、特效、现场装置等多种艺术表达手段,描绘现代化建设狂潮背后的黯淡,折射着中国西部当下, 人、社会、城市发展之间错综复杂的迷局。 In 2014, I came back to my hometown Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. During this time, Taiyuan was undergoing massive renovations. I can hear the voice of the reinforced concrete, I can see the streets littered in potholes. All of the buildings I was familiar with and all of my memories became ash. My grandparents' house that they had lived in for more than 10 years was demolished within this time period. I could not believe that a house could disappear so suddenly. It was at this time that I started to pay closer attention to the city I was loved and how drastically it has changed. It is also the reason I created these series. This series contains projections, special effects, field devices and other forms of artistic expression to show the dark behind modernization and construction, as well as to reflect the complex relationship between Chinese people, westernization, society and urban development.
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