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- 6-7分 0%
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Amazing Fantasy剧情介绍
Comics and trading card tournaments. An O.C.D. boss, obnoxiously loud gamers, dudes dressed like wolves and an ungodly amount of fast food and energy drinks. For Kole & Hayes, our mid-twenties, complacent employees, it's simply another Tournament Friday at Buy and Trade Comics. It's been three weeks since the theft of a $1.5 million dollar comic: a 9.9 grade issue of Amazing Fantasy #15. Its whereabouts are still thought to be unknown, until a questionably schizophrenic and homeless man, Hugh, appears in front of the two unmotivated employees after closing. When Hugh offers to sell an un-named comic in an envelope marked with the number "15", Kole and Hayes initial doubt is slowly replaced with suspicion when Raymond, the store owner, purchases the envelope without revealing its contents. Throughout the night, Hayes' growing curiosity gradually leads him to believe millions are at his fingertips in the form of a comic book.
丨Amazing Fantasy电影热评
丨Amazing Fantasy电影新评
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- 胜券在握
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