The Faith of the Strong
主演:Gloria Payton,米切尔·刘易斯,帕特里夏·帕尔默
地区:美国 / 60分钟
又名: / Tyrannens Hustru,Orgulho da Força,La Rue of the Strong Heart
猫眼ID:1041624 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨The Faith of the Strong剧情介绍
本片由罗伯特·N·布拉德伯里导演Gloria Payton,米切尔·刘易斯,帕特里夏·帕尔默主演,于未知美国上映!
A French Canadian lumber camp is divided into two factions: a lawless group ruled by Paul La Rue, and a church-going group. Paul rescues an orphan girl named Babette from being raped by Jean Follette, who later sets fire to a church. Paul's burgeoning faith compels him to risk his life to save the Bible. Although Paul emerges with a serious injury, he also succeeds in uniting the community. Meanwhile, Jean beats his wife, Ena, upon learning that she is pregnant. His false claims that they are not really married reaches Paul, who offers to marry Ena to give the child a name. Following his recovery, Paul swears vengeance on Jean, but Ena prevents the violent confrontation by insisting that she still loves her husband. When Jean tries again to rape Babette, he is killed by her wolfhound. Freed from her abusive husband, Ena declares her love for Paul.
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