Sasquatch Odyssey: The Hunt for Bigfoot
导演:Peter von Puttkamer
主演:Betty Unger,Jack 'Kewaunee' Lapseritis,Robert M. Pyle
地区:加拿大 / 70分钟
猫眼ID:1011422 🎫 买电影票就上猫眼
- 10 分 0%
- 8-9分 0%
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- 1-3分 0%
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丨Sasquatch Odyssey: The Hunt for Bigfoot剧情介绍
本片由Peter von Puttkamer导演Betty Unger,Jack 'Kewaunee' Lapseritis,Robert M. Pyle主演,于未知加拿大上映!
This humorous film poses fundamental questions about the origins of man, while reveling in the sub-culture which surrounds the Bigfoot mystery. This is the story of the hunt for Bigfoot and the four old-men who have been searching for the elusive, mythical creature for the last 40 years. Inspired by the discovery of Yeti (abominable snowman) tracks in Nepal in the early 1950's, followed by giant footprints in Northern California in 1958, these young adventurers set out to find an animal which science said didn't exist. Originally, working together on the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Expedition of 1960-62 while funded by a Texas oil millionaire named Tom Slick - these four men began never-ending rivalry and a life-long quest to find this creature.
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