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  • 逮捕尹锡悦,具体分几步?


    直新闻 33037 阅读 3 评论 2025-01-01 22:07

  • 1月6日前逮捕尹锡悦 韩国公调处能做到吗?


    看看新闻 14795 阅读 1 评论 2025-01-02 01:01

  • 尹锡悦的婚姻:52岁娶40岁白富美,为她付出一切,却难留一儿半女


    惠短剧 10 阅读 0 评论 2025-01-02 22:44

  • 韩公调处尝试逮捕尹锡悦:进入官邸与警卫对峙 防暴警察在外部署

    海客新闻 0 阅读 474 评论 2025-01-03 07:38

  • ..+这事儿整得跟大片似的,韩国那边开始动真格的了。 This matter is as dramatic as a blockbuster; things are getting serious on the Korean side. 2025年1月2日,韩国警察可真是豁出去了,直接去驱散那些围着总统不让抓的人。 On January 2, 2025, the South Korean police really went all out, directly dispersing the people surrounding the president to prevent his arrest. 听说韩国专门查公职人员犯罪的部门——咱叫它“公调处”得了,打算最快当天就下逮捕令给现任总统尹锡悦, It's said that the department in Korea specifically for investigating crimes by public officials—let’s just call it "the Investigative Office"—plans to issue an arrest warrant for President Yoon Seok-yeol as early as that day, 还说啥来着,“坚决执法,谁拦抓谁”,这阵仗看着挺严肃的。 and they also said something like, "We will enforce the law resolutely, and anyone who obstructs the arrest will be dealt with," which looks pretty serious. 共同民主党那边也急眼了,让议员们都准备好,随时进国会应对情况, The Democratic Party of Korea was also alarmed, urging its legislators to be ready to enter the National Assembly at any time to deal with the situation, 首尔整个城市都像备战一样。 making the entire city of Seoul seem like it's preparing for battle. 你瞅瞅,这可是要抓总统啊! Look here, this is about arresting the president! 要是总统警卫队不松口,非得护着总统,那警察估计也只能干瞪眼,没辙。 If the presidential guard doesn't back down and insists on protecting the president, the police would likely be left staring helplessly, with no solution. 这里面有个大变数,就是尹锡悦本人咋办呢? There's a big variable here: what will Yoon Seok-yeol do? 他会不会拼了老命,鱼死网破地搞点啥极端的事儿出来,这个谁也猜不准。 Will he go all in, risking everything and taking extreme actions? This is something nobody can predict. 再说了,万一真打起来了,警察可不是装备精良、训练有素的警卫队的对手。 Moreover, if it really comes to fighting, the police wouldn't be a match for the well-equipped and highly trained guard. 要是真到了开火的地步,那结果就谁也说不好了。 If it really comes to gunfire, the outcome would be unpredictable. 在野党让国会议员随时准备进国会,这不就跟送羊入虎口似的嘛。 The opposition party asking the National Assembly members to be ready to enter the parliament sounds like sending lambs to the slaughter. 这剧情比连续剧还刺激,说不定下一秒就冒出个意外转折来,

    财宝宝 1889 阅读 0 评论 1 点赞 2025-01-03 07:04

  • 韩国公调处执行逮捕尹锡悦车辆抵达总统官邸

    界面快讯 0 阅读 0 评论 2025-01-03 07:22

  • 韩国执政党党首称尹锡悦须尽早停职

    徐政 0 阅读 1 评论 2025-01-03 05:36

  • ..+突发最新消息 韩国内乱升级。 韩国国会执行抓捕人员到达总统官坻。 尹锡悦总统警卫队:执行国家安全法为由,双双在对质。 韩国国会:如果警卫队阻碍抓捕,将承担责任防碍执法罪。 尹锡悦发文:呼吁支持者一定要战斗到底!

    阜淮新景 13763 阅读 0 评论 9 点赞 2025-01-03 07:22

  • #突发新闻# 尹锡悦逮捕行动正在进行中!🚨🚨🚨

    喝茶9330 0 阅读 0 评论 2025-01-03 07:26

  • 尹锡悦阴谋暴露,检方披露出“致命”消息,尹家派系或被一锅端

    不服就干 0 阅读 0 评论 2024-12-31 21:49

  • 韩国尹锡悦和韩德洙两起弹劾案重要进展

    小草天地 0 阅读 0 评论 2025-01-03 07:47

  • 现场:韩国调查机关人员同总统警卫部门对峙 官邸外大排“人墙”

    海客新闻 0 阅读 34 评论 2025-01-03 07:50

  • 韩国十二任总统:多舛命运,鲜见善终

    悠闲喜鹊0B苏 0 阅读 0 评论 2025-01-01 02:12

  • 尹锡悦拒捕,为何一直拖时间?救火总统轮流倒下,韩国这次要换天

    仁爱艺术家p 0 阅读 0 评论 2025-01-03 07:50
